Community Guidelines

Last updated: November 18, 2023

The Theatr app allows people to engage with the ancient art of theatre in a digital age. Through building a community online dedicated to theatre, we want to make show discovery easier and more personalized. We especially hope to connect audiences with shows that would speak to them and provide a post-show space to reflect, critique, and build connections.

These Community Guidelines are meant to help you understand the rules that we expect you to abide by in order for the Theatr community to thrive. This is an evolving document and we always welcome your feedback and suggestions!


Be thoughtful: Go beyond surface-level: What does a particular show do for the artform and society at large? How did it make an impact on you and your perceptions?

Be inclusive:  Accept the existence of voices that might be vastly different from your own, and let them challenge you. Debate respectfully, without insults, ad hominem attacks, stereotypes or oppressive language. Instead of merely listening to someone else’s thoughts, take a step further and try to truly understand them.

Be honest: We want to hear reflections from your full, unique selves. Speak out about a show if you think it’s mind-blowing, boring, or offensive, even if it has millions of dollars and piles of Broadway stars behind it.

Be diligent: If you're making factual claims in a reflection, please fact-check them. Don't use reflections as a space to spread misinformation.

Seek out earnest connections: We encourage you to build community with fellow theatre lovers, but focus on your shared passion and don’t overly self-promote.


- We strongly recommend that you use a real name or identity to better connect with the community both online and in real life. Use the name (or one of the names) you go by when you’re not using the Theatr app. It’s ideal to use the name you use while attending or working on theatre projects.

- You are not allowed to impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

- You may not direct ad hominem attacks, hate speech, threats, or bigotry at anyone in your Theatr posts. You can debate people's opinions, but may not attack or threaten their identities.

- You cannot share, threaten to share, or incentivize the sharing of others' personal information without their prior permission.

- You are not allowed to infringe upon intellectual property, copyright, or trademark laws in your reflections. We ban the copying of others' reflections or other writing on Theatr to other websites without the permission of the writer.

- We expect you to fact-check any factual claims made in your reflections. Any attempts to spread misinformation or suppress factual information will not be permitted.


The ability to gather and discuss theatre pieces online is a wonderful and dangerous thing. We want Theatr to be a place for open and thoughtful conversation about theatrical performances that also allows users to reach out and find a community. Remember that your words can either strengthen this precious community or destroy it. Be mindful of your speech. While we welcome nuanced conversations that contain debates and disagreements, we hope you won’t do what’s common in some types of criticism and gleefully bash shows that simply don't hold up in your eyes.

The artists in the show may see the reflections themselves. If you had a strong reaction watching their shows, feel free to post your genuine feedback and let them know how their shows challenged, changed, pleased, or disturbed you.

We’d also love to see reflections that illustrate the collaborative nature of theatre. Consider how performance space, acting, costume, set, sound, lighting design, direction and writing work together in harmony and in themselves. Did a certain costuming choice, for example, jump out as more stellar than the rest of the show for you? What does that mean for the overall performance?

The subject matter of your reflections is essentially up to you as long as it engages directly with the performance. Feel free to mix spontaneous real-time responses with long-term ponderings. Inspire and be inspired.


We encourage our community members to report any content they believe violates our Community Guidelines. All reports will be reviewed and investigated. We strive to be fair and consistent in evaluating all cases and protect the identities of reporting users.


Theatr reserves the right to determine whether or not any content is appropriate and complies with our Terms and Community Guidelines. We further reserve the right to refuse or remove any content at our sole discretion. We can also limit, suspend or revoke the use of the services if you post objectionable content.

The content posted on Theatr contains personal, subjective opinions. We don't endorse any of the opinions expressed by our users.